Source code for pywincffi.user32.synchronization


This module contains general functions for synchronizing objects and
events.  The functions provided in this module are parts of the ``user32``

.. seealso::


from six import integer_types

from pywincffi.core import dist
from pywincffi.core.checks import input_check
from pywincffi.exceptions import WindowsAPIError
from pywincffi.wintypes import HANDLE, wintype_to_cdata

[docs]def MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( pHandles, bWaitAll, dwMilliseconds, dwWakeMask, nCount=None): """ Waits until one or all of the specified objects are in a singled state or the timeout elapses. .. seealso:: :param list pHandles: A list or tuple of :class:`pywincffi.wintypes.HANDLE` to wait on. See Microsoft's documentation for more information about the contents of this argument. :param bool bWaitAll: If True then this function will return when the states of all objects in ``pHandles`` are signaled. :param int dwMilliseconds: The timeout interval in milliseconds. :param int dwWakeMask: The input types for which an input event object handle will be added to the array of handles. See Microsoft's documentation for more detailed information. :keyword int nCount: The number of object handles in ``pHandles``. By default this will be determined by checking the length of the input to ``pHandles``. :raises WindowsAPIError: Raised if the underlying Windows function returns ``WAIT_FAILED``. :rtype: int :return: Returns the value of the event which caused the function to return. See Microsoft's documentation for full details on what this could be. """ input_check("pHandles", pHandles, (list, tuple)) if nCount is None: nCount = len(pHandles) input_check("bWaitAll", bWaitAll, bool) input_check("dwMilliseconds", dwMilliseconds, integer_types) input_check("dwWakeMask", dwWakeMask, integer_types) input_check("nCount", nCount, integer_types) ffi, library = dist.load() # Verify input types and build a <cdata HANDLE> array out of the # input Python HANDLE list/tuple to be passed to the underlying API. pHandles_cdata ="HANDLE[]", nCount) for i, handle in enumerate(pHandles): input_check("pHandles[%d]" % i, handle, HANDLE) pHandles_cdata[i] = wintype_to_cdata(handle) code = library.MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( nCount, pHandles_cdata, bWaitAll, dwMilliseconds, dwWakeMask ) if code == library.WAIT_FAILED: code, message = ffi.getwinerror() raise WindowsAPIError( "MsgWaitForMultipleObjects", message, code) return code