Source code for pywincffi.kernel32.console


A module containing functions for interacting with a Windows

from six import integer_types

from pywincffi.core import dist
from pywincffi.core.checks import NON_ZERO, NoneType, input_check, error_check
from pywincffi.exceptions import WindowsAPIError
from pywincffi.wintypes import HANDLE, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, wintype_to_cdata

[docs]def SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsoleOutput, wAttributes): """ Sets the attributes of characters written to a console buffer. .. seealso:: :param pywincffi.wintypes.HANDLE hConsoleOutput: A handle to the console screen buffer. The handle must have the ``GENERIC_READ`` access right. :param int wAttributes: The character attribute(s) to set. """ input_check("hConsoleOutput", hConsoleOutput, HANDLE) input_check("wAttributes", wAttributes, integer_types) ffi, library = dist.load() # raise Exception(type(wAttributes)) # info ="PCHAR_INFO") code = library.SetConsoleTextAttribute( wintype_to_cdata(hConsoleOutput), ffi.cast("ATOM", wAttributes) ) error_check("SetConsoleTextAttribute", code=code, expected=NON_ZERO)
[docs]def GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsoleOutput): """ Retrieves information about the specified console screen buffer. .. seealso:: :param pywincffi.wintypes.HANDLE hConsoleOutput: A handle to the console screen buffer. The handle must have the ``GENERIC_READ`` access right. :returns: Returns a ffi data structure with attributes corresponding to the fields on the ``PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO`` struct. """ input_check("hConsoleOutput", hConsoleOutput, HANDLE) ffi, library = dist.load() info ="PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO") code = library.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( wintype_to_cdata(hConsoleOutput), info) error_check("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo", code, expected=NON_ZERO) return info
[docs]def CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, lpSecurityAttributes=None, dwFlags=None): """ Creates a console screen buffer. .. seealso:: :type dwDesiredAccess: int or None :param dwDesiredAccess: The access to the console screen buffer. If `None` is provided then the Windows APIs will use a default security descriptor. :type dwShareMode: int or None :param dwShareMode: Controls the options for sharing the resulting handle. If `None` or 0 then the resulting buffer cannot be shared. :keyword pywincffi.wintypes.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes: Extra security attributes that determine if the resulting handle can be inherited. If `None` is provided, which is the default, then the handle cannot be inherited. :keyword int dwFlags: The type of console buffer to create. The flag is superficial because it only accepts None or ``CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER`` as inputs. If no value is provided, which is the default, then ``CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER`` is automatically used. :rtype: :class:`pywincffi.wintypes.HANDLE`` :returns: Returns the handle created by the underlying C function. :func:`pywincffi.kernel32.CloseHandle` should be called on the handle when you are done with it. """ ffi, library = dist.load() if dwDesiredAccess is None: dwDesiredAccess = ffi.NULL if dwShareMode is None: dwShareMode = 0 if dwFlags is None: dwFlags = library.CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER input_check( "dwDesiredAccess", dwDesiredAccess, allowed_values=( ffi.NULL, library.GENERIC_READ, library.GENERIC_WRITE, library.GENERIC_READ | library.GENERIC_WRITE )) input_check( "dwShareMode", dwShareMode, allowed_values=( 0, library.FILE_SHARE_READ, library.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, library.FILE_SHARE_READ | library.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, )) input_check( "dwFlags", dwFlags, allowed_values=( library.CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, )) input_check( "lpSecurityAttributes", lpSecurityAttributes, allowed_types=(NoneType, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)) if lpSecurityAttributes is None: lpSecurityAttributes = ffi.NULL handle = library.CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( ffi.cast("DWORD", dwDesiredAccess), ffi.cast("DWORD", dwShareMode), lpSecurityAttributes, ffi.cast("DWORD", dwFlags), ffi.NULL # _reserved_ ) if handle == library.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: # pragma: no cover raise WindowsAPIError( "CreateConsoleScreenBuffer", "Invalid Handle", library.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, expected_return_code="not INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE") return HANDLE(handle)