Source code for

Lint Utilities

Provides some help to pylint so static analysis can be
made aware of some constants and functions that we define
in headers.

import re
from functools import partial
from os.path import dirname, abspath, join

    from astroid import MANAGER, scoped_nodes

# The astroid is only needed by pylint.  We ignore ImportError
# here because the functions below are not called directory and
# we don't want this to be an extra dependency for the whole
# project.
except (ImportError, SyntaxError):  # pragma: no cover

    dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))), "core", "cdefs", "headers")
    dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))), "core", "cdefs", "sources")
CONSTANTS_HEADER = join(HEADERS_DIR, "constants.h")
FUNCTIONS_HEADER = join(HEADERS_DIR, "functions.h")
SOURCE_MAIN = join(SOURCES_DIR, "main.c")
REGEX_FUNCTION = re.compile(r"^[A-Z]+ (.*)\(.*$")
REGEX_CONSTANT = re.compile(r"^#define ([A-Z]*[_]*[A-Z]*[_]*[A-Z]*) ...$")

[docs]def functions_in_file(path): """Returns a set of functions defined in the given file path""" functions = set() with open(path, "r") as file_: for line in file_: match = REGEX_FUNCTION.match(line) if match: functions.add( return functions
[docs]def constants_in_file(path): """Returns a set of constants in the given file path""" # Load constants from header constants = set() with open(path, "r") as file_: for line in file_: match = REGEX_CONSTANT.match(line) if match: constants.add( return constants
[docs]def transform(cls, constants=None, functions=None): """ Transforms class objects from pylint so they're aware of extra attributes that are not present when being statically analyzed. """ assert isinstance(constants, set) assert isinstance(functions, set) for value in constants: cls.locals[value] = [scoped_nodes.Class(value, None)] for value in functions: cls.locals[value] = [scoped_nodes.Function(value, None)]
[docs]def register(_): # pragma: no cover """ An entrypoint that pylint uses to search for and register plugins with the given ``linter`` """ functions = \ functions_in_file(FUNCTIONS_HEADER) | functions_in_file(SOURCE_MAIN) constants = constants_in_file(CONSTANTS_HEADER) MANAGER.register_transform( scoped_nodes.Class, partial(transform, constants=constants, functions=functions), predicate=lambda node: == "FFILibrary")