Source code for


A module containing Windows functions for working with events.

from six import integer_types

from pywincffi.core import dist
from pywincffi.core.checks import input_check, error_check
from pywincffi.exceptions import WindowsAPIError
from pywincffi.wintypes import (

[docs]def WSAEventSelect(socket, hEventObject, lNetworkEvents): """ Specifies an event object to be associated with the specified set of FD_XXX network events. .. seealso:: :param pywincffi.wintypes.objects.SOCKET socket: The socket object to associate the selected network events with. :param pywincffi.wintypes.objects.WSAEVENT hEventObject: A handle which identifies the event object to be associated with the network events. :param int lNetworkEvents: A bitmask which specifies the combination of ``FD_XXX`` network events which the application has interest in. """ input_check("socket", socket, allowed_types=(SOCKET, )) input_check("hEventObject", hEventObject, allowed_types=(HANDLE, )) input_check("lNetworkEvents", lNetworkEvents, integer_types) ffi, library = dist.load() code = library.WSAEventSelect( wintype_to_cdata(socket), wintype_to_cdata(hEventObject), ffi.cast("long", lNetworkEvents) ) if code == library.SOCKET_ERROR: errno = WSAGetLastError() raise WindowsAPIError( "WSAEventSelect", "Socket error %d" % errno, errno) error_check("WSAEventSelect", code, expected=0)
[docs]def WSACreateEvent(): """ Creates a new event object. .. seealso:: :returns: Returns a handle to a new event object. """ _, library = dist.load() event = library.WSACreateEvent() if library.wsa_invalid_event(event): errno = WSAGetLastError() raise WindowsAPIError( "WSACreateEvent", "Socket error %d" % errno, errno) return HANDLE(event)
[docs]def WSAGetLastError(): """ Returns the last error status for a windows socket operation. .. seealso:: """ _, library = dist.load() return library.WSAGetLastError()
[docs]def WSAEnumNetworkEvents(socket, hEventObject=None): """ Discovers occurrences of network events on the indicated ``socket``, clears internal events and optionally resets event objects. .. seealso:: :param pywincffi.wintypes.objects.SOCKET socket: The socket object to enumerate events for. :keyword pywincffi.wintypes.objects.WSAEVENT hEventObject: An optional handle identify an associated event object to be reset. :rtype: :class:`pywincffi.wintypes.structures.LPWSANETWORKEVENTS` :return: """ input_check("socket", socket, allowed_types=(SOCKET, )) ffi, library = dist.load() if hEventObject is not None: input_check("hEventObject", hEventObject, allowed_types=(WSAEVENT, )) hEventObject = wintype_to_cdata(hEventObject) else: hEventObject = ffi.NULL lpNetworkEvents = LPWSANETWORKEVENTS() code = library.WSAEnumNetworkEvents( wintype_to_cdata(socket), hEventObject, wintype_to_cdata(lpNetworkEvents) ) error_check("WSAEnumNetworkEvents", code=code, expected=0) return lpNetworkEvents