pywincffi package


pywincffi.exceptions module


Custom exceptions that pywincffi can throw.

exception pywincffi.exceptions.ConfigurationError[source]

Bases: pywincffi.exceptions.PyWinCFFIError

Raised when there was a problem with the configuration file

exception pywincffi.exceptions.InputError(name, value, expected_types, allowed_values=None, ffi=None)[source]

Bases: pywincffi.exceptions.PyWinCFFIError

A subclass of PyWinCFFIError that’s raised when invalid input is provided to a function. Because we’re passing inputs to C we have to be sure that the input(s) being provided are what we’re expecting so we fail early and provide better error messages.

exception pywincffi.exceptions.PyWinCFFIError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

The base class for all custom exceptions that pywincffi can throw.

exception pywincffi.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError[source]

Bases: pywincffi.exceptions.PyWinCFFIError

Raised when we fail to locate a specific resource

exception pywincffi.exceptions.WindowsAPIError(api_function, api_error_message, code, expected_code)[source]

Bases: pywincffi.exceptions.PyWinCFFIError

A subclass of PyWinCFFIError that’s raised when there was a problem calling a Windows API function.

Module contents


The root of the pywincffi package. See the README and documentation for help and examples.