Source code for pywincffi.core.config


Simple module for loading pywincffi's configuration, intended
for internal use. A configuration file which is reasonable for
every day use ships with pywincffi but can be overridden at
runtime by dropping a file named ``pywincffi.ini`` in the
current working directory or the current users's home directory.

import logging
from os.path import join, expanduser

    from configparser import RawConfigParser
except ImportError:
    # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order,import-error
    from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser

from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from six import PY3

from pywincffi.exceptions import ConfigurationError

except NameError:
    WindowsError = OSError  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

[docs]class Configuration(RawConfigParser): """ Class responsible for loading and retrieving data from the configuration files. This is used by a few parts of pywincffi to control various aspects of execution. """ # NOTE: This list is documented in the module's documentation. FILES = ( resource_filename("pywincffi", join("core", "pywincffi.ini")), expanduser(join("~", "pywincffi.ini")), "pywincffi.ini" ) LOGGER_LEVEL_MAPPINGS = { "notset": logging.NOTSET, "debug": logging.DEBUG, "warning": logging.WARNING, "info": logging.INFO, "error": logging.ERROR, "critical": logging.CRITICAL } def __init__(self): # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class if PY3: super(Configuration, self).__init__() else: RawConfigParser.__init__(self) self.load()
[docs] def load(self): """Loads the configuration from disk""" try: self.clear() except AttributeError: self.remove_section("pywincffi")
[docs] def logging_level(self): """ Returns the logging level that the configuration currently dictates. """ level = self.get("pywincffi", "log_level") if level not in self.LOGGER_LEVEL_MAPPINGS: raise ConfigurationError( "Invalid level %s, valid levels are %s" % ( level, " ".join(self.LOGGER_LEVEL_MAPPINGS.keys()))) return self.LOGGER_LEVEL_MAPPINGS[level]
config = Configuration() # pylint: disable=invalid-name